Gu Zhenzhen

Zhenzhen, a Gemini lady born under the air sign, is the epitome of eccentric and humorous. She brings her own unique brand of wild fun to everything since she enjoys the unusual and loves making others laugh. As an outdoor photographer, her mission is to track down and capture the uncommon big-footed Madou. This profession sends her on journeys into the wilderness, where she enjoys the excitement of the chase and the mystery of the unfamiliar. She goes by the moniker Zhenzhen on SWAG Live and is a gregarious butterfly who thrives in the company of others. Group shopping excursions, last-minute adventures, and vacations across the globe are what keep her alive and fuel her insatiable curiosity and enthusiasm. Everywhere Zhenzhen travels, whether she’s exploring the woods or the bustling city streets, her enthusiasm for life spreads, leaving behind giggles and memories that will last a lifetime. Go to SWAG Live to meet Gu.